Ajay Kumar Gupta – Sr. Vice President at Jaiprakash Associates Limited, about drilling and grouting works at Arun-3 Dam (Nepal)
Following the successful completion of BAUER’s part of the project, I would like to express my appreciation for the means and methods in which BAUER has performed on the project.
BAUER was awarded the execution of a grout curtain consisting of three rows at the upstream cofferdam. The grout curtain has temporary purposes and serves safety during the work on the main dam, which is downstream.
The flexibility and understanding that BAUER afforded us in a very difficult time was much appreciated. Furthermore, delivering on time with an exemplary safety record is a testament to Bauer's professionalism.
The professional way in which the BAUER team prepared and executed the works was very well received. Trial mixes and generally quality management and control along the detailed method statement secured the highest standards of quality for the product.
Marc-Antoine Perron – Project Superintendent at Quebec Iron Ore, about the Diaphragm wall and Ground improvement works at Bloom Lake Mine
Following the successful completion of BAUER’s part of the project, I would like to express my appreciation for the means and methods in which BAUER has performed on the project.
Bauer´s scope of work included: the following:
Dike A:
Diaphragm Wall
The 200 m long consists of 73 panels. The panels had 1.5 m socket into bedrock with total panel depth varying between 20 - 30 m following the bedrock profile.
Dike East:
Ground improvement with stone columns
1,416 stone columns at 2.75 m spacing; length up to 8 m, minimum 3.5 m.
Elmar Ritter – Leiter Wasserbau beim Amt für Bevölkerungsschutz des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, über die Dichtwandarbeiten im Mixed-in-Place Verfahren in Schaan am Rhein
Die Erstellung der Dichtwand auf der schmalen Dammkrone führte durch die hervorragende Abstimmung des MIP-Verfahrens zu keinerlei Setzungen oder Bewegungen. Die Arbeiten wurden zur äussersten Zufriedenheit in technischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht ausgeführt.
Wir bedanken uns für das tadellos ausgeführte Werk und die gute Zusammenarbeit.
Vitesh Maharaj – Project Director at AngloGold Ashanti Limited Ltd., about the Piling works at Kwesi Mensah Vent Shaft (KMVS)
In recognition of outstanding accomplishments in supporting Obuasi Mine deliver the Kwesi Mensah Vent Shaft (KMVS) schedule, safely.
The Certificate of Practical Completion is provided based on the successful completion of contracted scope of works and acceptance of the following agreed activities:
Delivered thirty-four (34) No. 880 mm diameter board piles each 30 m deep, and five (5) No. 1180 mm diameter board piles with a depth of 29 m.
Pankaj Gaur – Jt. Managing Director at Jaiprakash Associates Ltd., about the Jet Grouting and Diaphragm Wall works at Teesta VI
The specialized foundation works were carried at a challenging space constrained site with bouldering strata with effective & meticulous planning under highly technical supervision of expatriates with a safe working environment of International recognized standards (ICE Standards) and maintaining excellent quality of works.
Marco Antonio Nardin Franca – Director Del Proyecto - Consorcio Montegrande, about the Cut-off Wall works
Por medio de la presente certificamos que la empresa BAUER FUNDACIONES DOMINICANA SRL titular del Registro Nacional de Contribuyentes RNC: número 1-30-700-591 con su domicilio y asiento social establecido en Calle Santiago Esquina Pasteur, Plaza Jardines de Gazcue, 202, Santo Domingo ejecuto con éxito los servicios de Pantalla Plástica en la fundación de la Presa Montegrande,
Marcel Spielmann, Oberbauleitung/Fachspezialist Wasserbau beim Tiefbauamt der Stadt St. Gallen über das Projekt „Dammabdichtung Bildweiher im Düsenstrahlverfahren“
Die Hochdruckinjektionssäulen (HDI) wurden durch die Firma BAUER Spezialtiefbau Schweiz AG ordnungsgemäss und entsprechend den anerkannten Regeln der Technik durchgeführt.
Hervorzuheben waren:
Das sensible Arbeiten im Bereich/Nähe eines Naturschutzgebietes
Das Abstimmen des Jetting-Verfahrens (WB-Verfahren) auf die Holz- und Torfeinlagerungen
Auf Grund der großen Erfahrung der Fa. BAUER Spezialtiefbau Schweiz AG und der große technische Sachverstand der einzelnen Mitarbeiter verliefen die Arbeiten völlig reibungslos. Anstehende, technische Probleme wurden unkompliziert und fachmännisch gelöst.
Die Arbeiten wurden zur äussersten Zufriedenheit in technischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht ausgeführt.
Dr. Tobias Gebler, Schluchseewerk AG, über das Projekt „Aubecken am Rhein bei Dogern - Dichtwand im Mixed-in-Place (MIP) Bodenmischverfahren, Austauschbohrungen und Hochdruckinjektionsarbeiten (HDI)
Die Arbeiten, im Besonderen die Herstellung der Dichtwand, wurden äußerst fachgerecht und professionell ausgeführt. Beim Auftreten von Schwierigkeiten oder Änderungen suchte BAUER in enger Abstimmung mit dem Bauherrn und den Fachplanern nach den technisch und wirtschaftlich besten Lösungen.
Die Art und Weise, in der das Projektteam von BAUER die Arbeiten vorbereitete und ausführte, verdient höchste Anerkennung. Das Qualitätsmanagement und die Qualitätskontrollen führten zu ausgezeichneter Qualität und Präzision der ausgeführten Leistungen.
BAUERs verantwortungsbewusste Einstellung zu Arbeits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz wusste stets zu überzeugen.
Die Dichtwandarbeiten wurden in Tag- und Nachtschichtbetrieb ausgeführt. Das Projekt wurde innerhalb des geplanten Zeit- und Kostenrahmens abgewickelt.
Die Kontrollmessungen im Dammkörper während des Probeeinstaus und in den Folgejahren belegten die hohe Qualität der ausgeführten Leistung.
Roman Töpler – Head of Asset Support & Outage Excellence Team Hydro DE, about the Rosshaupten Dam Project – Rehabilitation
Execution period: March 2018 to April 2019.
Inclined exploratory holes including testing: seven (7)
Inclined drilling and grouting: 2,100 lm (1,000 lm in rock)
Piling works: 550 m (shaft removal)
Mixed-in-Place: 3,500 m² (37.674 square feet)
Cut-off wall: 13,500 m² (145.313 square feet) in overburden and sound rock
The professional way in which the BAUER team prepared and executed the works was very well received. Trial mixes and generally quality management and control along the detailed method statement secured the highest standards of quality for the product.
BAUER was proactively seeking solutions, addressing issues and were answering questions related to any subjects of the works. I also note that these matters were few and infrequent.
BAUER’s professional approach towards Health Safety Environment (HSE) was excellent. The project was executed within the agreed schedule.
Christine Grommes, Projektleitung, Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg, über das Projekt „Deichsanierung /-rückverlegung im Rheinbogen Duisburg-Mündelheim (Deutschland) – Herstellung einer Mixed-in-Place Dichtwand“
Mit der geplanten Rückverlegung des bestehenden Deiches hin zur Landseite soll dem Rhein erheblich mehr Retentionsflache für den Hochwasserfall gegeben werden.
Die Dichtwand mit Tiefen zwischen 12 m und 20 m ist ca. 1,6 km lang.
Die Einbindung der Fa. BAUER in das Projekt mit ihren kosten- und materialeffizienten Lösungen schufen ein hohes Maß an Oberzeugung. Durch das ressourcenschonende Mixed in Place Bauverfahren der Fa. BAUER wurde ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt erstellt.
Es wurde eine hohe Qualität am Endprodukt erreicht. Der projektbezogene, professionelle Ansatz der Fa. BAUER dahingehend war mehr als zufriedenstellend
Letztlich wurde das gesamte Bauprojekt frist- und ordnungsgemäß noch vor Ende des Zeitplans abgeschlossen und es bestehen keine Bedenken hinsichtlich der Dauerhaftigkeit und Funktionsfähigkeit der Dichtwand.
Im Namen des Auftraggebers bedanke ich mich bei der Fa. BAUER für die gute Zusammenarbeit und die erfolgreiche Realisierung der Dichtwand.
Daniel Cuartero, Project Director, Peace River Hydro Partners (PRHP), about the SITE C Project – Execution of Single Phase Cut-off Wall
Following the successful completion of BAUER’s part of the project, Peace River Hydro Partners would like to express its appreciation for the means and methods in which BAUER has performed on the project.
Details of the Contract execution period: August 2016 to November 2017. In order to meet the specified construction schedule, the cut-off wall works had to be executed through the winter months facing the harsh winter conditions of Northern Canada. Temperatures during wall installation were as low as - 25° Celsius (lower than -30° Celsius when considering the wind chill) and this has required a special winterization set-up for the mixing plants as well as the slurry lines.
The work carried out in constructing the cement-bentonite cut-off walls in Canada was very professional. BAUER proactively was seeking solutions and correcting problems and were answering questions related to any subjects of the works. I also note that the matters were few and infrequent.
BAUER’s professional approach towards Health Safety Environment (HSE) was excellent. The project was executed within the agreed schedule.
Luis Melo de Sampaio, Contractor´s Representative, Andrade Gutierrez, about the Jannah Dam and Lake Works Phase II – New Dam
The professional way in which the Bauer team prepared and executed the works was very well received. Trial mixes and generally quality management and control along the detailed method statement secured the highest standards of quality for the product. The work carried out in constructing the Diaphragm Walls in the Republic of Lebanon was very professional. When there were issues or questions related to the particular works, Bauer was proactive in seeking a solution and correcting the problem or answering the questions. 1 also note that the issues were few and infrequent. Bauer's professional approach towards Health Safety Environment (HSE) was excellent. The project was executed within the agreed schedule but even less.
Joseph Abou Mansour, BATCO-Group, Area-Manager, about the Mseilha Project - Execution of Cut-Off-Wall
Scope of Work
10.500 m² cut-off wall with a nominal thickness of 1.0 m. The works were in so far not routine as it was the first cut-off wall on dams, the first ever cutter-excavated diaphragm wall and the first plastic concrete application in specialized geotechnical works in the country.
The compliance with contractual terms/provisions was exceptional. Overall rating for the work performed by Bauer Lebanon: exceptional.
Robert Emery, Project Manager, Egyptian – French New Assiut Barrage Joint Venture (EFNAB JV), about the New Assiut Barrage Project - New Dam
Main Scope of Work
Construction of temporary single phase slurry cut-off-wall - 58,632.00 M2
Construction of Diaphragm Walls - 18,242.00 M2
Construction of two phase slurry cutt-off-wall - 28,931.00 M2
Construction of Bored Pile walls - 7,154.00 LM
We hereby certify that the above cited scope of the Works have been substantially completed and passed all tests under the contract, in compliance with the provisions of the Contract.
Zeki Yilmaz, Deputy Project Manager, AGE Batum Limited Liability Company, about the Skhalta Dam Project - New Dam
"Following the successful completion of Bauer's part of the project, I would like to express my appreciation for the means and methods in which Bauer has performed on the project. The professional way in which the Bauer team prepared and executed the works was very well received. Trial mixes and generally quality management and control along the detailed method statement secured the highest standards of quality for the product. The work caried."
Wang Peng, Project Manager, China International Water & Electric Corp. (CWE), about the Bagatelle Dam Project - New Dam
"Following the successful completion of Bauer´s ρortion of the ρroject, we would like to express our apρreciation for the way in which Bauer has performed on the ρroject. Once on site, the ρrofessional way in which the Bauer site team went about setting up the work site was very well received. The quality of the work was first class and acceρted by the Engineer."
K.K. Sood, Project Manager, Jaiprakash Associates Limited, about the Punatsangchhu-II Hydroelectric Project - New Dam
"M/s Bauer were equipped with all professional ways for the team preparedness and work execution and proactive in seeking a quick solutions for the site issues, maintaining highest standards of quality for the product and the professional approach towards health, safety and environment (HSE) was excellent."
Sebastian Fritze, Branch Manager, Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen (Federal state reservoir authority of the free state of Saxony), about the Flood Control Reservoir Rennersdorf Project - Rehabilitation and Upgrade
"After the successful completion of BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH´s works we would like to express our gratefulness and appreciation for the services rendered. Bauer executed the above mentioned works absolutely perfectly and to our full satisfaction."
Harish Aggarwal, Senior General Manager, Jaiprakash Associates Limited, about the Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Power Plant Project - New Dam
"Bauer was equipped with all professional ways for team preparedness and work execution and proactive in seeking a quick solutions for the site issues, maintaining highest standards of quality for the product and professional approach towards Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) was excellent. The project was executed within the agreed schedule."
Julio Lopes Ramos, Contract Director, Odebrecht, about the Daule-Vinces Water Transfer Project (DAUVIN) - New Dam
"The Bauer team mobilized to the site prepared and executed the works with a thorough understanding of their trade. Trial mixes and proper quality management and control according with the detailed method statement helped attain the required standards for the finished product. The work was carried out in a professional and satisfactory manner, according to specifications and within the contract´s scope and term."
Ricardo Vieira, Contract Director, Odebrecht, about the Installation of a Single Phase Bentonite-Cement Cut-off Wall at the San Vicente Dam Project - Rehabilitation and Upgrade
"The Bauer team mobilized to the site prepared and executed the works with a thorough understanding of their trade. Trial mixes and proper quality management and control according with the detailed method statement helped attain the required standards for the finished product. The work was carried out in a professional and satisfactory manner, according to specifications and within the contract´s scope and term."
Michel Dubois, Project Director from SNC-Lavalin Angola Lda. about the Matala Dam Rehabilitation Project - Rehabilitation and Upgrade
"This letter is to confirm that from the 20th of July to the 30th of October 2012, the company BAUER Angola Lda. has executed and successfully completed the contract signed with SNC-Lavalin Angola Lda. regarding the construction of a slurry cut-off wall for the Matala Dam Rehabilitation Project."
Bernhard Lederer, Bauoberrat (Responsible Authority) from Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit about the Sylvenstein Dam Project - Rehabilitation and Upgrade
"Following the successful completion of BAUER´s part of the project, we would like to express our perfect satisfaction with the means and methods in which BAUER has performed on the project."
K. K. Gupta, Project Director from Larsen & Toubro Limited about the Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project - New Dam
"The general quality management and control along the detailed method statement secured the highest standards of quality for the final product and technical issues related to the execution of this Project were attended by Bauer proactively."
Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Theodor Strobl, Head of Panel of Experts for Wadi Dayqah Dams - New Dam
"Following the successful completion of the project of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources as head of the Panel of Experts, engaged for the project of building a reservoir with a RCC Dam and an Embankment Dam of each 75 m height under partly very difficult underground conditions. I would like to express my appreciation for the means and methods in which BAUER has performed on the project."
Richard Boudreau, Principal Director – Production Projects, Hydro-Québec Equipment and SEBJ, about Peribonka Dam Project - New Dam
"It means a lot to me to say thank you to the teams of Hydro-Québec, SNC Lavalin and Bauer. Because of the fusion of their energy, know-how and skills the works were completed in excellent quality within the given time frame. After completion of this successful phase now, we can begin with the construction of the dam so that the filling of the basin can be started as planned in autumn 2007. Congratulations!"
Charles Edde, Director, Ste. Mouawad-Edde, about the extensive drilling and grouting works at the Chabrouh Dam Project - New Dam
"Bauer reacted flexibly regarding design changes and contributed in a professional way to further mix design and execution technique improvements based on their extensive experience acquired in similar projects. Their team was always proactive in seeking solutions for unforeseen problems. In conclusion, Bauer's professional approach towards the project was to our fullest satisfaction with respect to the excellent quality, the construction schedule and the cooperation with the involved Parties."
Egon Failer, Executive Director, Lahmeyer International GmbH, about New Naga Hammadi Barrage Project - New Dam
"In conclusion, Bauer´s professional approach towards the project was excellent. The project was executed within the agreed schedule and even partly ahead of schedule."